Ensure a long-lasting paint job with proper pre-paint preparation.
Regardless of the surface, thorough cleaning will allow new paint to adhere securely and stand the test of time. With our years of experience, we can provide the right solutions and techniques to prepare surfaces to be painted thoroughly and without damage.
Our pre-paint house wash or building wash is ideal for exterior painting preparation. It both cleans the surface to be painted, and leaves the surface sterile by killing all moss, mould and lichen. (This includes spores, which can cause regrowth later on).
We may also include a mild degreaser to best prepare walls for painting.
Request a Free QuoteDepending on the surface you wish to prepare for painting, our paint preparation treatment may require special cleaning solutions. In addition to home or building exteriors, we can provide the right solution for paint-preparation on a wide range of other surfaces.
These include, but are not limited to decks, fencing, coloursteel, machinery and painted concrete floors.
Request a Free QuoteOur pre-paint roof wash is ideal for exterior painting preparation. Our cleaning processes provide a superior result due to our specialised detergents and equipment. In most situations, our experienced team will be able to complete the work with our own heights equipment.
Request a Free QuoteGet in touch for your free, no-obligation quote.
Contact Us⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Chemwash team did a brilliant job of cleaning our 100 year old timber clad house. Looks fabulous. Highly recommend.